
Number of relevant pages: 1

Colorectal cancer: epidemiology and screening results

in prevalence rates, i.e. a higher number of colorectal cancer survivors. In 2018, the prevalence of people with a history of colorectal cancer reached...

Number of relevant news: 2

Colorectal cancer survivors face increased risk of subsequent cancers of different types

Colorectal cancer survivors face increased risk of subsequent cancers of different... Colorectal cancer survivors face an increased risk of developing subsequent cancers, particularly second... Studies have found that colorectal cancer survivors have a greater risk of developing another cancer compared with the general... colorectal cancer survivors, bowel cancer...

Colon cancer growth reduced by exercise

the University of Waterloo, Ontario, involved colorectal cancer survivors completing either a single session of HIIT or 12 sessions over 4 weeks. Their...